The good news for all is that Christianity is not complicated! Its message is straight from the Bible about God and his son Jesus. It is about a choice we all face that can bring eternal life to those who truly believe.
God’s story begins in the creation narratives. God, who is awesome and righteous created humanity and the world with the purpose of submitting to His loving rule over all (Colossians 3:15-17).
Our first ancestors rejected God’s loving rule, eternally separating the human race from him (Isaiah 59:2).
Because of His love, God sent His Son, Jesus Christ to take our punishment. Through Christ’s death and resurrection, we can now have a close family relationship with our Creator, God (1 Peter 3:18).
Our Critical Choice
Our Way? Reject Jesus as our Ruler and try to run life our way for our own selfish reasons. The result is eternal separation from God (2 Thessalonians 1:9)
God’s Way? Stop rebelling and submit to Christ. Trust and believe in Jesus’ death for your sins and his resurrection from the dead. Accept God’s free gift of salvation and new life (Romans 10:9-10).
Ready to Make that Choice?
A good way is to pray a heart-felt sincere prayer like this one to start your new life today:
Heavenly Father, I know I’m a sinner and don’t deserve your gift of eternal life. I’m guilty of rebelling against you and I ask for your forgiveness. Thank you for sending your Son to die for my sins so I can be forgiven completely. Thank you that he rose from the dead to give me new life. Come into my life and teach me how to let Jesus take the wheel of my life. Amen.